One blog that has been capturing my interest is Jack van Hoof's "SOA and EDA". I love a blog with real patterns, term definition, and a passion for its subject matter. All put together by someone who can get an article published.
The article is actually very interesting to me from a Service Level Automation perspective. Jack captures his thoughts on the importance of building agile software architectures in the following paragraph:
Everything is moving toward on-demand business where service providers react to impulses - events - from the environment. To excel in a competitive market, a high level of autonomy is required, including the freedom to select the appropriate supporting systems. This magnified degree of separation creates a need for agility; a loose coupling between services so as to support continuous, unimpeded augmentation of business processes in response to the changing composition of the organizational structure.
(Emphasis mine.)
The only thing I would change about Jack's statement above is replacing the words "a loose coupling between services" to "a loose coupling between services and between services and infrastructure" and changing "composition of the organizational structure" to "composition of the organizational structure and infrastructure environment". (Some may have issues with the latter, but I don't mean that services should be written with specific technology in mind--just the opposite; they should be written with an eye towards technology independence.)
This is why I have been emphasizing lately the need to view the measure activity through the lens of both business and technical measures. Some of the business events thrown by an EDA may very well indicate the need to change the infrastructure configuration (e.g. if the stock market sees a 20% rise in volume in the matter of three minutes, someone may want to add capacity to those trading systems). However, the technical events from a software system (e.g. thread counts or I/O latency) may also indicate the need to change infrastructure configuration on the fly.
I wish I could spend more time collaborating with SOA architects and "tacticians". In fact, I have been speaking with Ken Oestreich about exactly this. If you are in the SOA space, and interested in talking about how SOA, EDA and SLA interconnect, let me know by commenting below. (Be sure to let me know how to contact you.) At the very least, think about how infrastructure will measure the performance of your software systems as you start your next development iteration.