Monday, September 10, 2007

Links - 09/10/2007

Brave New World (Isabel Wang): I can't begin to express how sorry I am to see Isabel Wang leave the discussion, as her voice has been one of the clearest expressions of the challenges before the MSP community. However, I understand her need to go where her heart takes her, and I wish her the best of luck in all of her endeavors.

(Let me also offer my condolences to Isabel and the entire 3TERA community for the loss of their leader and visionary, Vlad Miloushev. His understanding of the utility computing opportunity for MSPs will also be missed.)

MTBF: Fear and Loathing in the Datacenter (Aloof Architecture: Aloof Schipperke): Aloof discusses his mixed feelings about my earlier post on changing the mindset around power cycling servers. I understand his fears, and hear his concerns; MTBF (or more to the point, MTTF) isn't a great indicator of actual service experience. However, even by conservative standards, the quality and reliability of server components has improved vastly in the last decade. Does that mean perfection? Nope. But as Aloof notes, our bad experiences get ingrained in the culture, so we overcompensate.

CIOs Uncensored: Whither The Role Of The CIO? (InformationWeek: John Sloat): Nice generality, Bob! Seriously, does he really expect that *every* IT organization will shed its data centers for service providers? What about defense? Banking? Financial markets? While I believe that most IT shops are going to go to a general contractor/architect role, I think there is still a big enough market for enterprise data centers that markets to support them will go on for years to come.

That being said, most of you out there should look at your own future with a service-oriented computing (SOC?) world in mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m starting my own web based business and have been searching for someone who can provide my upstart company with a great IT service. I already have a number of business software applications ready to be implemented but since I don’t work in IT I’m waiting for a good team to assist me.
I’m interviewing several candidates this week and I’m specifically looking for people who see network automation as an important factor for IT and business success. I want to see people who make use of smart database tools and are always looking to improve application availability. I want a network that has virtually no problems and I want an IT team who’s focus is improving existing services and functionality.