Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Important new blog: cloudsecurity.org

I was hunting around Data Center Knowledge today trying to find the link to my favorite news story of the day (the theft of Peter Gabriel's servers from his hosting company--more on that later), when I came across a small item on today's Roundup about Craig Balding's new blog, Cloud Security. I don't know Craig from Adam, but I will say that the few posts he has put up to date are timely, thoughtful, and covers a topic near and dear to many of our hearts. Not to mention the fact that he got a gig on NPR about 10 posts into the blog's existence. Lucky bastard.

My only beef to date with Craig is his definition of cloud computing (definitively grid centric), but given the fact that there is no agreed upon definition to date, I'll let my comment on his post speak for itself. In the meantime, he has been added to the reading list.


craigb said...
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Anonymous said...

James: many thanks for the mention and link love - appreciate it. And yes I am a lucky bastard! Full credit to Google for me getting that NPR interview ;-).

BTW the Cloud Computing definition you're disagreeing with is not my own- its from John's ESM blog (good reading and I liked the definition as a first cut).

BUT - and heres where you've got me confused (not hard) - you left the following comment on the post that John made:

This is a much more palatable definition than some others I have seen. If I stretch my definition of virtualization to include deployments to bare metal that require no action or knowledge by the application owner, then I can agree with all of it.

I have no problem with you disagreeing with me (especially if it means I learn something in the process) but this just seems a bit wierd. Am I missing something?