The Wisdom of Clouds: The Wisdom of Clouds is moving!!!

Monday, December 08, 2008

The Wisdom of Clouds is moving!!!

Finally! It's been a long time coming, but the "morphing" of The Wisdom of Clouds I've hinted at a couple of times in the last month is finally here. Dan Farber and Margaret Kane, the good editors the CNET, have agreed to publish this blog (with a slight name change) on the CNET Blog Network. Hence forth the blog will be titled "The Wisdom of the Clouds", and located at Please go there and subscribe today.

CNET is one of the most respected IT news sources, and with about 15 million unique visitors a month this is a huge opportunity to broaden the cloud computing discussion to the mainstream IT community. The other members of the CNET Blog Network include such thought leaders as Matt Asay, Gordon Haff and Peter N. Glaskowsky, and I am humbled to be listed among them.

However, I also want to recognize and thank each of you for helping to make The Wisdom of Clouds what it is today. At the beginning of 2008, I had a little over 120 subscribers. This last week saw a record 948 subscribers, with over 200 of you reading each new post within 24 hours of it hitting the feeds, and about 50 more reading the same on the blog pages itself. It has been tremendously enriching to see the uptake in interest, and I am grateful to each of you for your interest, attention and feedback. Thank you.

Unfortunately, this transition will not be without its inconveniences. As you may have guessed, I will no longer be publishing to this site; for now will become an archive site for the two years or so of posts that I've written since early in my Cassatt days. I will frequently reference back to those posts initially, but all new material will appear at CNET. If you want to follow where the conversation goes from here, it is important that you go the the CNET URL and subscribe.

I will probably continue to publish my bookmarks to the existing feed for a while, but I want to consolidate that traffic with the article publications over time. Stay tuned for how that will work out. I won't be bookmarking my own posts as a rule; thus subscribe to the new feed.

Please let me know if you have any problems or concerns with the transition, and I hope that each and every one of you will continue to be a part of my own education about the cloud and its consequences. As always, I can be reached at jurquhart at (ignore this) yahoo dot com.

Again, thank you all, and I'll see you on The Wisdom of the Clouds.