Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Google App Engine: Forte Software for the Cloud?

I was rather harsh on Google App Engine last night, and I think with good reason. However, as I read more about it today, I am realizing that there is more to this product for web businesses than there is for your typical enterprise. Looking at it from that angle, let me talk about the compelling aspects of Apps Engine for those developing the types of applications that environment is intended to support.

Let me start with some history. In the mid to late nineties, I was a consultant for Forte Software, the Paul Butterworth led distributed application development and deployment tools company. Forte was an amazing company to work for, but it had an even more compelling product to work with.

The basic concept was derived from a simple development scenario. Paul invisioned allowing a developer to:
  1. Write an applications as if they were monolithic, locally executable applications

  2. Name specific objects in the application as "service objects" to act as key interface points (important later)

  3. Test those applications in a local-only configuration

  4. Use a GUI tool to partition the application by dragging and dropping the service objects around the environment as necessary. Developers could also configure service objects to be replicated for load balancing, failover or both.

  5. Test execute the application in its distributed configuration

  6. Deploy and operate the finished application in its final partitioned configuration

  7. Monitor the distributed application and its components for both availability and performance characteristics
Though based on a 4GL at a time that Java was pushing for "open languages", Forte proved to be a very popular tool in a variety of extremely high scalability settings: OnStar, EZPass, Marriott online reservations, the New York state sex offender web site to name but a few.

It wasn't the 4GL that made the product compelling (though it was very good), and certainly not the developer GUI (that was well below average), but this end-to-end developer experience that made the product a winner.

Now flash forward to today, and the TechCrunch article covering their developer's experience in developing and deploying a decent little app in about 4 hours, including deciding on requirements, writing code, debugging, deploying and "launching" on the crunchbase.com domain. In reading through their step by step activities, I was struck hard by the similarities with the Forte experience, with a few positive differences:
  • The tools are now open source themselves, and based on an open source language

  • The need for application partitioning is largely eliminated. Note I said largely, as if you are using a service-based architecture, you will have to hand-code the outbound calls to any services via Google's URL API.

  • Deployment and monitoring is automatic. You never have to worry about what was deployed where when. The capacity is just there (up to your quota).
Now, all of this comes with a cost (which was true of Forte as well): you must agree to living in a proprietary world. In a later post, I am going to talk about another cost (which is common with other platforms): start-up lock-in; suffice to say, your lock-in isn't just the available languages or the libraries you *must* use, but its also the dependency on all of that infrastructure automation that is Google's and Google's alone.

There are also many key application components which seem logically locked into Google: identity, domain management, monitoring and data storage/retrieval. Not necessarily a bad thing, but developers should go in with their eyes wide open.

However, if time to market is your biggest concern, and all you care about is cool web application capabilities, then you now have two choices: Amazon (via Heroku and Zend, for instance) and Google (via App Engine). Each has its language and its limitations, but the experience is largely the same. (I haven't checked to see if the "launch"--e.g. domain assignment--capabilities of Heroku or Zend, match Google's, though, and it doesn't appear that identity services are covered at all.)

None of these really give you service level guarantees, so SLAuto doesn't really apply. However, service levels will be assumed, so if you care, start looking at SLAuto tools that may help in the future.

Again, all of this probably does not apply to enterprise IT, but its a hell of a compelling story for web developers.

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