Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Was "Cloud Computing" Common Before Dell Made A Grab For It?

Cameron Christoffers sympathizes with Dell regarding their argument that the term "cloud computing" was not in wide use when they made their trademark application in March, 2007. That may be so; my own first use of the word "cloud" was in August of that year, but I had referenced an article in ZDNet from August, 2006, that directly quoted Eric Schmidt of Google:
"It starts with the premise that the data services and architecture should be on servers. We call it cloud computing – they should be in a ‘cloud’ somewhere. And that if you have the right kind of browser or the right kind of access, it doesn’t matter whether you have a PC or a Mac or a mobile phone or a BlackBerry or what have you – or new devices still to be developed – you can get access to the cloud…"
Clearly this is evidence that Google used the term widely within their ranks and with their customers, and that a solid argument could be make that the term was in "wide use" among the core techies that cared about the technology elsewhere. The rest of the market didn't care, but it was certainly not a term or slogan that was uniquely invented by Dell.

Still. No wonder the USPTO missed the "commonality" of the term initially.