The Wisdom of Clouds: Two! Two! Two! Two great Overcast podcasts for your enjoyment

Friday, November 28, 2008

Two! Two! Two! Two great Overcast podcasts for your enjoyment

It's been a busy week or so for Geva Perry and I, as we took Overcast to a joint podcast with John Willis's CloudCafe podcast, and had a fabulous discussion with Greg Ness of Both podcasts are available from the Overcast blog.

The discussion with John focused on definitions in the cloud computing space, and some of the misconceptions that people have about the cloud, what it can and can't do for you, and what all that crazy terminology refers to. John is an exceptionally comfortable host, and his questions drove a deep conversation about what the cloud is, various components of cloud computing, and adjunct terms like "cloudbursting". It was a lot of fun to do, and I am grateful for John's invitation to do this.

Greg Ness demonstrated his uniquely deep understanding of what network security entails in a virtualized data center, and how automation is the lynch pin of protecting that infrastructure. Topics ranged from this year's DNS exploit and the pace at which systems are getting patched to address it, to the reasons why the static network we all knew and loved is DOA in a cloud (or even just a virtualized) world. I really admire Greg, and find his ability to articulate difficult concepts with the help of historical insight very appealing. I very much appreciate his taking time out of his busy day to join us.

We are busy lining up more great guests for future podcasts, so stay tuned--or better yet, subscribe to Overcast at the Overcast blog.