Saturday, March 22, 2008

Eric Schmidt: Please believe me...

ZDNet Asia covered comments from Eric Schmidt of Google regarding the trust issues that enterprises must address before adopting cloud computing. He made these comments during a recent visit to Sydney, Australia. I find the comments interesting, because it signals for me the first public acknowledgment of the challenges that Google faces in selling the enterprise on the cloud vs. in-house applications.

Of course, he couches it in terms of how to choose Google Apps over Microsoft Office, but heart of the issue--trust--applies to just about any choice between traditional "I own it all" IT, and "renting" from the cloud--including compute capacity. (By the way, is anyone still claiming that Google Apps does not compete with Microsoft Office?)

As Eric notes for the Apps/Office debate:
"At some point in your firm, someone is going to say: 'Well maybe there is an alternative in the enterprise', and they're going to do an evaluation. And they're going to say the cloud computing model has its strengths and weaknesses."
This seems consistent for all cloud computing choices: in each case, the IT organization (or even the business) will need to evaluate the costs/benefits of moving data and functionality to the cloud versus maintaining traditional desktop/server systems. Up to now, I agree with Eric, but then he goes on to say:
"What assurances [do you have] that the information you have in your computer is safe--that it is properly stored and so forth? So it's important to understand that you really are making trade offs of one versus the other."
Assuming I am understanding this right, Eric seems to be saying, "Hey, your data isn't really all that secure on your PC, so why don't you just trust us that we will do better?" Ah, there is the rub.

I believe most enterprises would answer,
"Well, if data is misappropriated on my in-house systems, I can hunt down and fire those responsible, and the original copy of the data is still in my control. If Google (or someone who compromises Google) misappropriates my data in the cloud, I can go after the guilty parties, but if I no longer trust Google, I now have a legal battle on my hands to get my data back and get Google to completely delete it from their systems."
This partially gets to data portability, which some are trying to address, but it is not a solved problem yet. However, even with portability, its the "completely delete it from their systems" part that I may never trust without clear and explicit legal consequences and vendor auditing. Until I have full control over where my data resides (at least in terms of vendors) and when and where I can move it and how it gets removed from storage that I no longer wish to utilize, I am putting a lot at risk by moving data outside of my firewalls.

At its heart, I think Eric's statement gets at the core of what Google has ahead of them in terms of delivering Apps to large, established enterprises. I don't doubt that Google will both develop and acquire technology that overcomes many of the security concerns that large enterprises have, but I continue to believe that we will see a major legal case in the next 5 years where a large corporation has to fight in court to get their data from a SaaS/cloud computing provider.

If it were me, I'd look to get cloud-like economics from my existing infrastructure. This is done by utilizing software architectures that are multitennant capable (SOA is a good place to start), and by implementing utility computing type infrastructure in your own data center. No matter how nicely Eric asks, be careful of what you are getting into if you put your sensitive data in the cloud.

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